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Whispering Mist: Book One of The Vudaki Saga
(Volume 1)

Whispering Mist is the tale of Rayna, a rebellious young woman, and Nyle, her treasonous yet honorable lover, and their quest for political and personal liberation. Supported by multiple subplots, the central narrative is set within a civilization that is shackled by an oppressive government and trapped by geological barriers. The only means of escape is to join an underground community and follow the cryptic guidance of an advanced race that lives on the far side of a perilous sea, veiled by a mantle of fog. If you seek an epic fantasy and an unconventional story, Whispering Mist will satisfy.

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Thou Shalt Not Lie About Grants:
Fundraising & Organizational Development

Nonprofit fundraising is not simple nor easy, like so many people believe, especially when seeking grants. It's an art and a science that requires refined skills, exceptional patience, a lot of time in most cases, and enough self-esteem and confidence to handle the inevitable rejection of people saying "No", which they will, sooner or later, even after saying "Yes" the year before.

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The Tao of Bartering & Local Currency

This e-book will take you on a journey that brings historical understanding and personal anecdote together with contemporary challenges and practical solutions. Along the way, you'll examine the nature of currency, consider new ways to exchange goods and services, and explore how to become more self-reliant.

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Life-Extension Tips

This e-book is a sensible and comprehensive guide to nutrition that includes a lot of health-related tips. The overall context of this book is influenced by Eastern principles of nutrition and health yet it also includes Western principles as well. One theme of this book is that proper nutrition needs to be integrated into a person's entire life and applied consistently, whether the goal is weight-loss, emotional balance, general well-being, or increasing one's longevity.

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