The word 'alpha' means first and 'logos' means word.

Understanding words is essential to all good communication. Many arguments start simply because of a single word choice. Each word is colored with our own personal history, experiences and usage of it. While the dictionary may have a standard definition, people don't.

That's why we have chosen to focus on clear and concise writing, for whatever the project may be. It's not about having the first word... or the last. It's about thoroughly appreciating and enjoying all of them.


Mark Klosterman, founder of Alpha Logos, LLC, has a long history with nonprofit development, fundraising, grant writing and teaching others to write grants. He has a B.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Psychology. He also has a background with copy editing and writing, including marketing material, technical writing, business plans, articles and blogs.

Pete Connors actively seeks out new clients as well as assists with research.


Email or call us at 720-257-9373 (feel free to leave a detailed message)

We are happy to answer any questions so we can learn how we can best serve you.

alphalogos.com • ©2018